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Creates lists of subsamples for stability selection.


createSubsamples(n, p, B, sampling_type, prop_feats_remove = 0)



Integer or numeric; sample size of the data set.


Integer or numeric; number of features.


Integer or numeric; the number of subsamples. Note: For sampling_type=="MB" the total number of subsamples will be B; for sampling_type="SS" the number of subsamples will be 2*B. Default is 100 for sampling_type="MB" and 50 for sampling_type="SS".


A character vector; either "SS" or "MB". For "MB", all B subsamples are drawn randomly (as proposed by Meinshausen and Bühlmann 2010). For "SS", in addition to these B subsamples, the B complementary pair subsamples will be drawn as well (see Faletto and Bien 2022 or Shah and Samworth 2013 for details). Default is "SS", and "MB" is not supported yet.


Integer; number of features select automatically on every iteration. Determined earlier from input prop_feats_remove to css.


A list of length B (or 2*B for sampling_type = "SS"). If prop_feats_remove = 0, each list element is an integer vector of length floor(n/2) containing the indices of a subsample of 1:n. (For sampling_type=="SS", the last B subsamples will be complementary pairs of the first B subsamples; see Faletto and Bien 2022 or Shah and Samworth 2013 for details.) If prop_feats_remove > 0, each element is a named list with members "subsample" (same as above) and "feats_to_keep", a logical vector of length p; feats_to_keep[j] = TRUE if feature j is chosen for this subsample, and false otherwise.


Faletto, G., & Bien, J. (2022). Cluster Stability Selection. arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.00494.

Shah, R. D., & Samworth, R. J. (2013). Variable selection with error control: Another look at stability selection. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology, 75(1), 55–80.


Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien