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Runs provided feature selection method fitfun on each subsample for cluster stability selection (this function is called within mclapply).


cssLoop(input, x, y, lambda, fitfun)



Could be one of two things: subsampleAn integer vector of size n/2 containing the indices of the observations in the subsample. drop_var_inputA named list containing two elements: one named "subsample" and the same as the previous description, and a logical vector named "feats_to_keep" containing the indices of the features to be automatically selected. (The first object is the output of the function createSubsamples() when the provided prop_feats_remove is 0, the default, and the second object is the output of createSubsamples() when prop_feats_remove > 0.)


an n x p numeric matrix containing the predictors. (This should be the full design matrix provided to css.)


A response; can be any response that takes the form of a length n vector and is used (or not used) by fitfun. Typically (and for default fitfun = cssLasso), y should be an n-dimensional numeric vector containing the response. This should be the full response provided to css.


A tuning parameter or set of tuning parameters that may be used by the feature selection method. For example, in the default case when fitfun = cssLasso, lambda is a numeric: the penalty to use for each lasso fit.


A function that takes in arguments X, y, and lambda and returns a vector of indices of the columns of X (selected features).


An integer vector; the indices of the features selected by fitfun.


Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien